Workshop: Montessori Extended Day

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Date: Friday, November 8, 2024
Timing: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Venue: Online

Since its inception a Montessori environment supports the needs of the developing child and allows them to have an active life. In this setting prepared with great consideration to their needs, children are able to grow in freedom within a caring and stable society. When modern life requires children to be away from home for longer hours due to the working hours of adults the Montessori environment provides a secure haven. The continuity and consistency of an extended day program supports their natural rhythms and helps them to be confident and independent. Connie Black, an AMI trainer, a Montessorian who has worked with children in different settings for over 30 years will share her thoughts and experiences of how an extended day in a Montessori classroom works and how it can enrich the Montessori experience and support the child’s overall well-being.

Presenter: Connie Black

Connie Black, an AMI Primary Trainer since 2012, is the Director of Training for the Boston Satellite of Montessori Training Center Northeast, delivered in English to an international cohort. In addition to a B.A. in English and Theatre from the University of Tennessee Martin and a M.Ed. in early childhood from Loyola University Maryland, she holds an AMI Primary diploma. Connie serves as a consultant and AMI examiner in the United States and internationally. Connie has had articles published in the North American Montessori Teacher’s Association (NAMTA) Journal and the AMI/USA Journal and has presented at conferences in the US and internationally. With over fifteen years of experience in Children’s House, ten of those implementing “Montessori All Day” as well as “Montessori Year Round”, Connie is interested in seeing Montessori education returned to its roots, made more broadly available to all children. As Director of Outreach at the Montessori Center of Minnesota (MCM) from 2012-2018 Connie led the AMI EsF recognized Montessori Partners Serving All Children (MPSAC) initiative, whose mission is to provide exceptional, quality early childhood education experiences for underserved communities. She also serves MCM as a mentor/coach for MPSAC Children’s House guides.


Individuals ₹ 2360
Group Registration (minimum 5 members) per person ₹ 1888

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