Diploma Courses
3-6 Diploma Course
The AMI Montessori 3-6 Diploma Course is an intensive full time programme designed to help students study closely the theory and practice of the Montessori approach to education. The course is scheduled over approximately 8 months and will help prepare students for working with children from 3 to 6 years of age. Dr. Montessori developed her core philosophy with this age group and the course deals with seminal ideas of her pedagogy.
AMI Montessori 6-12 Diploma Course
The AMI Montessori 6-12 Diploma Course (age level 6-12) is an intensive full time programme designed to help students study closely the theory and practice of the Montessori approach to education. The course of study spread over 16 months will help prepare students for working with children from 6 to 12 years of age.
Not yet scheduled.
Certificate Courses
Orientation to 0-3 Certificate Course
This short term programme is designed to help everyone especially parents wishing to understand the child between birth and 3 years old. The developmental needs of the child in this age range and principles of the Montessori approach will be closely studied to help adults to support the child.
Orientation to 3-6 Certificate Course
The Montessori Orientation to 3-6 course is an intensive full time programme designed to help interested adults to understand the development of children. It opens the way for adults to assist the child’s development both at home and in school. The programme introduces the philosophy underpinning Montessori practice and some basic practical skills useful in interacting with children. The course would also be of interest to teachers working in Montessori schools, to parents and expecting parents, and childcare professionals from other fields. It would also be preparatory work for those considering the AMI 3-6 Diploma Course. The course work will consist of lectures, readings and discussion.
Orientation to 6-12 Certificate Course
A short term programme designed to help adults to study closely the principles of the Montessori approach to supporting the development of the child focussing in greater detail at this age level. The course is scheduled over approximately 2 weeks. This is for parents or anyone wishing to understand the child between 6 and 12 years old.
Not yet scheduled.
Refresher Courses
3-6 Refresher Course
This course is open to all AMI 3-6 diploma holders. The courses aim at helping the Montessori educators break away from their routine work and examine the principles behind the Montessori materials and presentations. This enables them to deepen their understanding of the Montessori concepts and look at the work with fresh eyes.
Not yet scheduled.
6-12 Refresher Course
This course is open to all AMI 6-12 diploma holders. The courses aim at helping Montessori educators re-examine the Montessori materials and presentations after some experience in the classroom. Revisiting the essential keys to knowledge within the vast idea of cosmic education helps teachers focus on how to help children of this age understand their society and their world.